After meeting at the Ministry of Culture, we rode with Dr. Aleyda De Gracia to the Parlatino which is the Latin American Parliament, in Amador.
Professor Danae, from our school, had accepted the invitation to present a new book titled Prisma Marino. Its author, His Excellence Candelario Garcia Reyes is the Ambassador from Honduras. Professor Aleyda De Gracia, represented the Ministry of Culture.
The formal presentation of his work impressed the author. An excellent violinist played as the audience entered and took their seats. Champagne was served during the speeches and the presentation of certificates. A buffet of regional foods was also available. We enjoyed a performance by the Folklorico dancers.
An attentive audience listened to Danae’s comments on this new book of poems. The work reflects the journey of a Honduran national hero who visits Chiriqui and admires the nature, history, people and values of Panama.
She joined the author and his secretary at the head table. The author autographed a copy of his book for her and she presented him with an autographed copy of one of her books, La Noche de los Cocuyos.
After the event, there was a meet and greet session where people introduced friends and acquaintances to other friends and acquaintances and contact information was exchanged.
Each of these book presentation events are slightly different reflecting the status of the author, the work being presented and the audience. Professor Danae is gaining a reputation as a go-to. She puts effort into her presentation to give useful information about the work to the audience.