Our Spanish Language Teachers are the most experienced & professional Spanish teachers in Panama City. They often come from professional backgrounds in other career fields and this diversity enhances their teaching methodologies in helping students who also come from all walks of life and do business and careers in different areas. Some of our professional staff even have more than 20 years of Spanish teaching and have published extensively in the world of Spanish literature. One even created the Spanish program used by the Peace Corps today, and others have won national prizes in writing.
Director of Spanish Panama with Panamanian authors who are also 2 of our many accomplished Spanish teachers
The Spanish teachers at Spanish Panama school are the most professional in Panama City. They have interesting lives and versatile interests and hobbies. Most are bilingual and one even speaks 5 languages. Another teacher has 35 years teaching Spanish in Panama and is renowned in Panama in her field! It is these kinds of attributes that makes Spanish Panama the most professional and dedicated language school in Panama.
This Panamanian traditional Pollera dancer is a DELE certified Spanish teacher with more than 15 years experience teaching Spanish to foreigners at Spanish Panama Language School. She also teaches English classes to locals in Panama.
Our Teachers
Amongst our 16 member Spanish teaching staff, most of whom have at least 10 years and more of Spanish teaching experience, we are also proud of their other life achievements which will be a useful supplement to your Spanish language and cultural training. This includes book publishers, professors of Philosophy, Theology, Mathematics, law degree, certified tourist guide, Panamanian traditional dancer of Pollera, Business degrees, Public Authorized Translators, multilingual teachers of other languages besides Spanish, United Nations, Multinational businesses and NGO career experiences, and backgrounds from other Latin countries besides Panama.
We find that this diverse mix makes them some of the most interesting and qualified teachers in Central America.
Besides professionalism and empathy, our teachers are also fun and feel comfortable teaching Spanish in a great Spanish school environment as well as virtual learning with students abroad around the world.