Canadian Thanksgiving in Panama
As we are a Canadian-Panamanian run Spanish school, SpanishPanama students, who come to us from all over the world, get a discount on this fun Canadian turkey dinner, with Beatles music, and among other things a lottery prize that includes COPA air tickets for 2 return flights to Canada. Funds raised go to Carols by Candlelight, the Canada Plus Club event held for Christmas. Usually just over a hundered tickets are sold and this may be a good opportunity to meet some of the invited guests such as Canadian ambassador Sylvia Cesaratto and her husband Malcolm Britto (a great couple!) , United Kingdom ambassador Dr Ian Collard, and French ambassador Philippe Casenave.
If you come don’t leave so soon! Stay for the dancing! Anyone who was or is a student of SpanishPanama can also get your tickets at SpanishPanama. Time is 6:30pm on October 11 and the event is held at the Miramar Hotel right on Avenida Balboa at the end of Frederica Boyd.
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Canadian Thanksgiving in Panama
SpanishPanama Spanish classes in Panama City